Authorised and recognised funds

Investment funds that are structured as collective investment schemes (CIS) must be authorised or recognised by us to be promoted to retail investors in the UK. We explain these terms.

Authorised funds

An authorised fund, which may also be called an ‘authorised CIS’, must be established in the UK and take one of the following legal forms:

  • authorised contractual scheme (ACS)
  • authorised unit trust (AUT)
  • investment company with variable capital (ICVC)

It must also be classified, based on a marketing strategy, as one of the following:

  • undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities scheme (UCITS)
  • non-UCITS retail scheme (NURS)
  • qualified investor scheme (QIS)
  • long-term asset fund (LTAF)

Recognised funds

A fund that is established outside the UK must be recognised by us to be promoted to retail investors in the UK under:

  • section 272 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)
  • section 271A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) – the Overseas Funds Regime (OFR)
  • the Temporary Marketing Permissions Regime (TMPR)

A recognised fund may also be called a 'recognised CIS' or 'overseas scheme'. 

Scheme numbers





UCITS 0 5 60
NURS (non-UCITS retail scheme) 0 10 130
QIS (qualified investor scheme) 1 11 112
LTAF (long-term asset fund) 0 4 12
UCITS 446 20 137
NURS (non-UCITS retail scheme) 139 28 100
QIS (qualified investor scheme) 4 5 11
UCITS 70 344 1869
NURS (non-UCITS retail scheme) 118 146 705
QIS (qualified investor scheme) 10 6 8
LTAF (long-term asset fund) 0 6 7
Overseas funds
EEA UCITS (that are in the TMPR)* 4** 628 6602
EEA UCITS (that are recognised under OFR) 57 71 1352
Individually recognised (s272) 2 15 54

*We do not expect all the funds that are currently marketing in the UK under the Temporary Marketing Permissions Regime (TMPR) to apply under the Overseas Funds Regime (OFR).

**All stand-alone schemes in TMPR are Money-Market Funds.