Find out how to apply for, change, withdraw or cancel approval for a controlled function, including a senior management function (SMF).
You'll need to complete the relevant form to do any of these tasks:
- Form A - Apply to perform a controlled function.
- Form B – withdrawing an approval application that is in progress.
- Form C – notice of ceasing to perform a controlled function.
- Form D – notification of changes in personal information or application details.
- Form E – internal transfer of a controlled function.
- Form J – tell us about significant changes in SMF responsibilities.
This is not an exhaustive list.
You only need to send 1 form to 1 regulator.
Unless otherwise stated below, please complete and submit these forms on our online system Connect.
Once you've submitted a form you'll get an automated email to confirm that we've received it. If you want to follow up with us about your application, please reply to this email rather than writing a new one – this will help us link it with your case and avoid delays.
Form A: Apply to perform a controlled function
Use Form A to request approval for an individual to perform controlled functions, including senior management functions (SMFs).
To apply for a corporate body rather than an individual, you must apply using a paper Form A. For example, if a corporate partner of a limited liability partnership (LLP) is applying to hold SMF27 (partner).
Form B: Withdraw an application
If you want to withdraw your firm's application after submitting it, you'll need to download and complete Form B, and email it to your case officer.
The candidate must consent to the withdrawal.
Disclose withdrawn applications
If the application is withdrawn, no formal assessment of the candidate’s fitness and propriety will have been undertaken.
We will not publish the information, but we will hold it internally and we would expect the candidate to disclose the withdrawal on any future applications.
Form C: Cease a controlled function
Firms are responsible for telling us about someone ceasing a controlled function.
When an approved person no longer performs 1 or more controlled functions for your firm, tell us by submitting Form C via Connect.
You must do this no later than 7 business days after an approved person ceases to perform a controlled function.
You can use a single Form C for ceasing more than 1 controlled function for the same individual.
Make sure all relevant firms and functions are clearly marked on the form.
Qualified withdrawal
We apply a qualified withdrawal to functions when a firm has voluntarily withdrawn them because:
- It reasonably believes information it has obtained may affect our assessment of an approved person’s fitness and propriety – for example where a candidate has been involved in misconduct.
- It dismisses, or suspends, an approved person from its employment.
- An approved person resigns while under investigation by the firm, us or any other regulatory body.
A firm cannot apply for a qualified withdrawal – it's a status that we set, when relevant, when we receive Form C.
We will apply a higher level of scrutiny to future applications for candidates if they have previous qualified withdrawals.
Form D: Change in personal information
Use Form D to tell us if an approved person's details change, or details in their application to perform controlled functions change.
You do not need to tell us about a change of private address.
Firms must tell us about:
- Any significant changes to circumstances that could be considered relevant to their position under the FCA/PRA rules.
- Any matter, in relation to an approved person, that would normally be declared when completing the Fitness and Propriety section of the application to perform controlled functions or matters considered in FIT 2.
- Conduct breaches.
Form E: Transfer a controlled function within your firm
Use Form E when an approved person stops performing 1 or more controlled functions and the firm wishes to apply for approval for them to carry out other controlled functions (including different or additional SMFs).
For example, the candidate is applying to hold SMF1 (chief executive officer) and no longer going to perform SMF3 (director).
Do not use Form E for a qualified withdrawal.
Form J: Significant changes in responsibilities
Use Form J to tell us about any significant changes to an SMF’s statement of responsibilities.
This may include, but is not limited to, when an individual:
- Is no longer responsible for certain prescribed responsibilities.
- Takes on additional prescribed responsibilities.