We are working with firms to help tackle insurance fraud. Find out possible fraud examples and information to supply us with.
We have a voluntary scheme where you can let us know if you suspect or have evidence of fraud by an insurance broker.
You do not have to tell us if you have suspicions, but if you do and they prove to be true, you will have helped us reduce financial crime and improved the reputation of the industry.
If you are a broker and you have concerns about another broker you do business with, please contact us with the details. We will assess the information and decide whether to investigate further.
Examples of possible fraud
- misappropriation of client money or money held under risk transfer agreements
- failure to pass on premiums, refunds or claims
- falsifying customer details to obtain insurance business that would otherwise be turned down or be more expensive
- issuing false cover notes or false certificates of insurance
Information to supply
If you contact us, please supply this information:
- the name of the broker
- details of any individuals involved
- details and evidence of the suspected and/or proven fraud or financial crime
- the names of the customers involved
- summary of any investigation you have made
: Editorial amendment Updates to page features for website refresh.