Accuracy of transaction reporting 2021 - January 2022

Reference Case Number: FOI8908

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

  1. In Year 2021 (1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021), how many firms requested a data extract from the regulator's Market Data Processor (MDP) system against which to check the accuracy of their reporting?
  2. In Year 2021 (1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021) , how many unique LEIs, representing the EXECUTING ENTITY for a transaction report (RTS22), submitted transactions to the FCA?
  3. In Year 2021 (1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021) , how many investment firms have reported errors in their transaction reporting?
  4. In Year 2021 (1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021), how many firms has the UK regulator held visits, meetings or conference calls for the specific purpose of discussing the quality of their transaction reporting?

FCA response: