Annual whistleblowing reports and categories information – October 2021

Reference Case Number: FOI8621

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

In reference to a previous FOI response, your ref FOI7958 and under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to know:

  1. The number of whistleblower reports the FCA receives each year
  2. A breakdown of these reports each year using whichever categories the FCA uses internally

Please provide the data for each question with a year-end June 30, so an update on the figures already provided.

Please provide this data for each of the last five years. If you cannot provide five years of data then please provide as many years as you are able to.

FCA response:

Your request has now been considered and the relevant information you have requested can be found in Annex A.

We would like to explain that our response to the previous request you refer to provided data on a December year-end basis, as this is the format in which we aggregate the information we hold. Since you have asked for the data to be provided on a year-end June 30, we have broken down the figures by quarters, so they can be aggregated into the period you are interested in.

When reviewing these figures please also note that, in 2017 we introduced a new case management system that allowed us to record multiple allegations for each individual case. This means that the total number of allegations is greater than the number of cases for the period 2017 to 2020. Prior to this, we only recorded one allegation per case, therefore the total number of allegations and total number of cases are the same for Q3 and Q4 2016.

Please also note that there may be a slight variance in the number of allegations reported for more recent cases. This is because as cases develop in some instances more allegations are recorded.

Supporting document

FOI8621 - Annex A