Breakdown of MDP rejection codes for MIFID RTS22 - March 2021

Reference Case Number: FOI8042

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

A breakdown of all MDP rejection codes for MIFID RTS22 Transaction Report rejections for 2018, 2019, 2020?

To clarify, these rejection codes are codes assigned to a transaction when it is rejected by the MDP portal processing.

For example, a sample of common error codes are as follows:

  • CON-412 Instrument is not valid in reference data on transaction date.
  • CON-370 Country of branch membership is missing.
  • CON-360 Venue MIC is not valid for the trade date.

We are seeking a breakdown by percentage of each error code:

For example:

  • CON-412 %50 of all rejected transactions are due to this error code.
  • CON-370 %25 of all rejected transactions are due to this error code.
  • CON-360 %5 of all rejected transactions are due to this error code.

FCA response:

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI8042 response