Information on the 2020 financial resilience survey - July 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7393

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

The FCA sent out a financial resilience survey in June to around 13,000 firms. Firms were given seven days to complete the survey. 

  1. Of the 13,000 firms which received the survey, how many submitted their answers on time for the deadline? And how many were late or did not respond to the survey at all? 
  2. Of the above firms, how many financial advice firms submitted their answers on time? And how many advice firms were late in responding or did not respond to the survey at all? 
  3. Of the advice firms which responded to the survey, how many said the coronavirus crisis threatened their survival? And what was the average amount of time firms which said the crisis threatened their survival expected to remain in business?

FCA response:

Refer to supporting document below

Supporting document

FOI7393 response