Information about number of reportable data breaches made to the FCA - July 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7423

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Please provide the following information for the companies that you regulate and/or authorise over the last 2 years:

  1. Number of reportable data breaches made to FCA individually or in conjunction with the ICO under DPA 2018 - calculated monthly and categorised by sector.
  2. In regard to this first question, I can see that similar FOI requests have been made over recent months/years and would therefore like you to consider adding this requirement to your Publications Scheme, in accordance with the guidance set out by ICO. This is the sort of regular key information that should be readily available for both the FCA and wider public to better understand the performance of financial companies in the UK. Could you confirm you will take this proposal forward with relevant colleagues and whether this will be undertaken (or not). 
  3. To the same end, in relation to the 2nd question, a sectoral analysis of whether UK financial companies are entering into BCP/DR situations seems to be perfectly reasonable key performance indicator that should be regularly analysed by the FCA and openly published on the same basis. Please confirm you will take this forward with colleagues and whether it will be regularly published in future (or not).

FCA response:

Refer to the supporting documents below.

Supporting document

FOI7423 response

FOI7423 Annex