Information on cases officers for new firm authorisations - July 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7254

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Clarified 02/06

In reply to this FOI request, I wish to clarify what information I require. You are indeed right on the first point - (We believe you are asking:


  1. how long it takes the FCA to appoint a case officer to a new firm authorisation; and
  2. how long it takes us to appoint a case officer for a Form A application linked to a CF30.)

On the second point, I require:  ii)  more generally, linked to new or already authorised firms?

Original request 22/04

On average, how long it takes the FCA to appoint a case offer to a firm authorisation and CF30 authorisation request? Looking at statistics for 2019, and so far in 2020 to end of April. 

FCA response:

Refer to supporting document below

Supporting document

FOI7254 response