Information on claims made via the Financial Services Compensation Scheme - April 2021

Reference Case Number: FOI8147

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

.... [L]aw firms offering services to claim compensation on Mis-sold pensions / SIPPS have a disclaimer that you can present a claim directly with the FSCS for free.

In the questions below, we refer to "self-claims" meaning a claim that was presented by an individual without the services of a Law Firm or Claims Management Company.

  1. What is the success rate of making a claim yourself versus using a Law Firm or Claims Management Company?
  2. How many self-claims were submitted in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 for a mis-sold Pension and how many were successful in each year?
  3. How many claims were submitted by either a Law Firm or Claims Management Company in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 for a mis-sold Pension and how many were successful in each year?
  4. How many self-claims were submitted in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 for a mis-sold SIPP and how many were successful in each year?
  5. How many claims were submitted by either a Law Firm or Claims Management Company in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 for a mis-sold SIPP and how many were successful in each year?
  6. With regard to success rates, statistically, are you better off submitting a claim yourself for those items listed below? A simply yes or no will suffice.
    • Mis- sold Pension
    • Mis-sold SIPP
  7. Has the success rate of any self-claim been enhanced as a direct result of legal and / or technical arguments presented by a Law Firm of Claims Management Company?
  8. If the answer to question 7 is yes, please confirm what percentage of self-claims have been so enhanced. 

FCA response:

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI8147 response