Information on claims management companies who have registered for full authorisation - April 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7181

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

The following request relates to Claims Management Companies who registered for full authorisation in Application period 1 (1 April to 31 May 2019):

  1. How many firms in total registered an application for full authorisation?
  2. How many firms submitted a 'complete' application?
  3. Of those, to date, how many firms have FCA granted permanent authorisation?
  4. How many firms submitted an 'incomplete' application?
  5. Of those, to date, how many firms have FCA granted permanent authorisation?
  6. In total, to date, how many firms have FCA refused to grant permanent authorisation?

FCA response:

Please refer to supporting document

Supporting document

FOI7181 response