Information on crypto-asset registration - November 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7662

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

I have FOI requests in regards to crypto-asset registration.

  1. How many applications have been received to date for company registration for crypto-asset activities?
  2. How many of those have been accepted, refused, are still pending?
  3. Can you determine an average time for a decision on applications?
  4. At any time over the past 6 months, was the offices for this decision-making closed due to covid-19?
  5. If so, for how long were the offices closed?
  6. Has there been a department reduction of staff at any point as a result of covid-19, due to illness, quarantine or similar?
  7. Has the department worked at reduced operating hours?
  8. Is the department at normal operation currently?
  9. Are any staff working from home now, or at any point previously?

FCA response:

Refer to supporting document below.

Supporting document

FOI7662 response