Information on discretionary fund manager - December 2022

Reference Case Number: FOI9651

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

I would like to access a list of all firms that have registered for discretionary powers to manage money on their clients behalf. These firms are normally referred to as Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM). My understanding is that in order to manage clients money in a discretionary manner, a firm must register for discretionary power. If possible, I would like to obtain a complete list of all firms (ideally broken down by geographic region who currently hold this registration. 

You clarified on 21 October 2022 that you wanted ‘a list of all firms with the "managing investments" permission, and if possible have that list broken into those with the ability to control clients' money, and those without it’.

FCA response:

We can confirm that we hold the requested information, which is set out in Annex A below.  We have stated for all firms with the ‘managing investments’ permission where their Part 4A Authorisation is subject to a requirement containing the term “client money”.  We have used each firm’s principal place of business post code to indicate the geographic region of relevant firms. For completeness, where column D is blank this means the firm does not have a requirement containing the term “client money”.

Annex A

See attached list of firms with the "managing investments" permission broken down into those with the ability to control clients' money, and those without it.

Supporting document

FOI9651 - Annex A