Information on the gender of CF10/11s and SMF16/17s holders - August 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7496

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Please may I have an update on the below for 2019 and 2020 for CF10/11s and SMF16/17s

(for those who hold both functions and those who hold 10 or 11, or SMF16 or 17. I.e. a pure update on below).

I have previously requested information relating to the sex of CF10 and CF 11 holders over the years.

Please can I request an update of this for the last five years  – with the addition of columns now for SMF16 and 17 holders. I would like to know the breakdown of sex by function.

Please can I have the below functions split by gender where the applicant have stated Mr, Ms, Mrs and Miss in their application.

  • How many Control Function 10 Holders are women
  • How many Control Function 11 Holders are men
  • How many Control Function 10 and 11 holders are women
  • How many Control Function 10 and 11 holders are men

FCA response:

Refer to supporting document below

Supporting document

FOI7496 response