Information on investigations relating to breaches of the Money Laundering regulations (MLR) - August 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7474

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Thank you for your response to my Freedom of Information request (FOI7311 -  Right to know request). 

I have some questions about the response to question 1, which was not clear to me. I hope you can clarify. 

In response to question 1, you say that you have not taken any criminal investigation to its conclusion under the 2007 Money Laundering Regulation (MLR). Does that mean you have not prosecuted a firm and/or an individual under the 2007 MLR or that you have prosecuted a firm and/or individual and you have not won? If you have prosecuted cases and not won, can you please specify the cases? 

Also, would it be correct to assume that if you have not prosecuted a firm or an individual under the 2007 MLR, you have not prosecuted a money laundering case involving a firm or individual since 2007? 

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI7474 response