Information on John Swift QC's Independent Review of Interest Rate Hedging Products (IRHPs) - June 2022

Reference Case Number: FOI9166

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

  1. By what process did the FCA choose John Swift QC to lead the above Review? How many candidates were shortlisted and how were they identified?
  2. Was there any prior link (whether commercial, friendship or otherwise) between Swift and the FCA or anyone in the FCA leadership team or those whose conduct might be scrutinised by the Review? If so, please describe it, and outline any measures taken to manage it.
  3. Were any measures put in place to prevent any potential conflicts of interest arising ex-post, such as (but not limited to) undertakings not to engage Swift or persons or entities connected to him by the FCA for a defined time period? If so, please provide details.
  4. Please disclose full details of any role played by the FCA in suggesting, recommending or otherwise bringing to Swift's attention the individuals and firms that contributed to the production of his Review (his 'Support Team').
  5. Was there any prior link (whether commercial, friendship or otherwise) between any member/s of the Support Team and the FCA or anyone in the FCA leadership team or those whose conduct might be scrutinised by the Review? If so, please describe it/them, and outline any measures taken to manage it/them.
  6. Were any measures put in place to prevent any potential conflicts of interest arising ex-post, such as (but not limited to) undertakings not to engage members of the Support Team or persons or entities connected to them by the FCA for a defined time period? If so, please provide details.
  7. Swift states that he and his Support Team participated in 34 interviews with stakeholders. There were further interviews conducted by the Support Team alone, with persons who were not subsequently interviewed by Swift himself. How many fall into the latter category? Swift further states that all interviews were recorded and transcribed. Please confirm whether you hold this data and, if so, that you intend to preserve it indefinitely, whether in-house or at the National Archives.

FCA response: