Information on lead generation firm authorisations - May 2022

Reference Case Number: FOI8576

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

  1. How many lead generations firms are currently authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority?
  2. Could you please provide the number of lead generations firms that have received the FCA-accreditation each year since 2016?
  3. How many lead generations firms have lost the FCA-accreditation since 2016.

FCA response:

The FCA does not have a standard definition of ‘lead generations firms’ that is consistently followed across the organisation. The only portfolio in which the term ‘lead generators’ is used consistently is in our Claims Management Companies (“CMC”) portfolio. Please note therefore that our response is limited to only those firms that fall within our CMC portfolio.

In this context, we define a ‘lead generator’ as a firm currently authorised with ‘Seeking out, referrals and identification of claims’ permission only. We do not hold information on lead generators for the period before 1 April 2019 (which is the date when we became responsible for the regulation of CMCs). However, since 1 April 2019:                                                                                                

  1. There are 264 firms currently authorised.
  2. We do not hold information on lead generators for the period before 1 April 2019 (the date on which we became responsible for the regulation of CMCs). However, since 1 April 2019, 316 firms were authorised with only seeking out permissions. Please note however that these firms would have lost that status if they were to add other permissions during the course of their authorisation.
  3. Since 1 April 2019, 70 firms withdrew or cancelled their seeking out permission where this was the only permission they held at the time of cancellation or withdrawal.