Information on the number of breaches of the 10% limit on holding of unquoted securities under UCITS - August 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7449

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

I request the following information under the Freedom of Information law:

  • The total number of breaches of the 10% limit on holding of unquoted securities under UCITS for each of the following months: January, February, March, April, May and June 2020. 
  • The total number of funds that breached the 10% limit on holding of unquoted securities under UCITS for each of the following months: January, February, March, April, May and June 2020.
  • The number of such breaches and funds has been discussed by the FCA in public fora (parliamentary hearings) and media on several occasions.

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI7449 respnse