Information on the number of interviews held with individuals applying for senior management function roles prior to FCA approval - November 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7714

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Based on the FCA's explanation of how it regulates senior management functions, how many interviews has the FCA held with individuals applying for senior management function roles prior to approving them?

If it is possible to break this data down by subsectors of the financial services industry (e.g. banks, insurers, asset managers, or whichever breakdown is used internally by the FCA), please do so.

I would like this data for each of the last five years, preferably with a year end date of September 30. If this data is not available with this year end, please use whichever year end is used internally by the FCA. If five years of data are not available, please supply three years. If this is not possible, please supply two years of data.

FCA response:

Refer to supporting document below.

Supporting document

FOI7714 response