Information on number of notices received ceasing to perform senior management or controlled functions due to redundancy, dismissal or suspension - November 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7756

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

1. Under section 3A.01, I would like to know the number of notices of ceasing to perform senior management functions the FCA has received where the reason given was:

  • Redundancy
  • Dismissal/ termination of employment or contract
  • Suspension

2. Under section 3B.01, I would like to know the number of notices of ceasing to perform controlled functions the FCA has received where the reason stated was:

  • Redundancy
  • Dismissal/ termination of employment or contract
  • Suspension

Please separate the data for each reason given and for senior management functions and controlled functions.

I would like the data broken down for each month for each of the last five years with a year-end date of 30 September or whichever year-end is most convenient. If you cannot provide data for each month for each of the last five years, then please provide data for each month for each of the last three years. If that is not possible, then please provide data for each month for each of the most recent two years.

If you cannot break the data down for each month, then please break the data down for each of the last five years with a year-end of 30 September or whichever year-end is most convenient. If you cannot provide data for each of the last five years, then please provide data for each of the last three years. If that is not possible, then please provide data for each of the most recent two years.

FCA response:

Refer to supporting document below.

Supporting document

FOI7756 response