Information provided on Investigations into Security and Privacy data breaches - January 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI6985

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

1.  How many security/privacy incidents has the FCA investigated over the last year (November 30th, 2018 – November 30th, 2019)?

    a.  How many of these involved data breaches?

    b.  How many of these resulted in fines?

    c.  How many resulted in financial penalties, how many in other action, how many under investigation and how many had no action?

2.  How many times has the FCA fined an organisation for incidents that have involved an employee working for an organisation intentionally or unintentionally causing a cyber breach or security/privacy incident?

    a.  If possible, of these incidents, please split them between intentional vs unintentional incidents

    b.  Of these investigations, how many resulted in fines / other sanctions?

FCA response:

Please refer to supporting documents

Supporting document
