Information relating to Notices of ceasing to perform controlled functions - April 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7178

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

In reference to a previous FOI response with the reference number FOI6915, and based on responses to Form C (Notice of ceasing to perform controlled functions (including senior management functions), Section 3 (List of controlled functions), subsection 3.01 (list all controlled functions…) and subsection 3.02 (list all senior management functions), I would like to know:

  • The number of responses where the 'Dismissal/termination of employment or contract' box in column B is filled in
  • The number of responses where the 'Suspension' box in column B is filled in
  • The number of responses where the 'Redundancy' box in column A is filled in

If gathering this data is not possible under the time constraints of the Freedom of Information Act, then please prioritise the information from first to last.  To confirm, I would like the numbers broken down by the relevant categories (Dismissals/terminations, Suspensions, and Redundancies) for each subsections (3.01 and 3.02).

I would like this information broken down by calendar year for each of the last five years – I.E. January 1 – December 31. If this is not possible, please use the most convenient year-end date. Please specify which year-end is used in your response.

If you cannot provide data for each of the last five years, then please give me the data for each of the last three years. If this is also not possible, then please give me the data for each of the last two years.

If it also not possible within the timeframe of the Freedom of Information Act to gather all this data, then please prioritise getting data on 3.01 (list of all controlled functions…) over 3.02 (list all senior management functions).

FCA response:

Please refer to supporting document

Supporting document

FOI7178 response