Information on size of the e-money industry - January 2022

Reference Case Number: FOI8847

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

The total data reported under row 167 of REP 017 for 2020 and 2021.

FCA response:

Please note that we have provided only data for 2020. This is because we have not yet received a complete set of submissions for 2021. Some firms submit only annually and have a submission date of February 2022, so full year data for 2021 will only be available from March 2022. 

Please be aware that the relevant return is submitted by any firm engaging in e-money transactions, not just those which are primarily identified as E-Money Issuers for the purposes of FCA supervision.  However, E-Money Issuers represent 88% of reporting firms. 

This data is self-reported to the FCA by regulated firms.  Whilst we expect firms to report accurately to us, we have not conducted an in-depth validation of the data provided. 

Given the stated purpose of the request is to enable your organisation to assess the size of the industry, we have not included data on fraudulent transactions which is contained within row 167 of REP017. 







167a E-Money payments domestic - Volume

167c E-Money payments crossborder within EEA - Volume

167e E-Money payments crossborder outside EEA - Volume

167b E-Money payments domestic - Value

167d E-Money payments crossborder within EEA - Value

167f E-Money payments crossborder outside EEA - Value










