Information on SMF functions under the SMCR split by gender - February 2021

Reference Case Number: FOI7864

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

In reference to a previous FOI response, your ref: FOI6851, I would like to have the below functions split by gender where the applicants have stated Mr, Ms, Mrs and Miss in their application.

  1. How many Control Function 1 Holders are women, how many are men?
  2. How many Control Function 2 Holders are women, how many are men?
  3. How many Control Function 3 Holders are women, how many are men?
  4. How many Control Function 4 Holders are women, how many are men?

I would like an update on the data previously given for the most recent year, with a year-end date of September 30, or whichever year-end date is most convenient.

FCA response:

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI7864 response