Meetings with Mr Alexander Greensill - May 2021

Reference Case Number: Disclosure

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Disclosure of meetings with Mr Alexander Greensill.

In response to several requests, the FCA can confirm its executive directors and or directors met representatives of Greensill on 3 occasions. '

On 12 September 2019, Jonathan Davidson, then Executive Director of Supervision, Retail and Authorisations met Mr Alexander Greensill and Mr Maurice Thompson, respectively Chief Executive and Chair of Greensill Capital UK. The meeting was to discuss Greensill Capital's operations in the UK.'

On 12 February 2020, Jonathan Davidson ran into Mr Maurice Thompson while on other business. Mr Thompson informed Mr Davidson that Greensill would shortly announce an Employee Salary Advance Scheme for NHS staff. 

On 5 March 2021, Christopher Woolard, then leading a review of change and innovation in the unsecured credit market for the FCA's Board met Mr Alexander Greensill. This meeting was part of the evidence gathering for the review, which was published on 1 February 2021. 

The 2 arranged meetings were set up directly with Greensill Capital, and not through advisers.

FCA response:

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

Disclosure of meetings with Alexander Greensill