Statistics on number of senior manager function holders - December 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7795

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

  1. The total number of SMF holders each year
  2. This total number broken down by type of SMF each year, as specified by the table of SMF in SUP 10C.4 Specification of functions

Please see SUP 10C.4 Specification of functions in the handbook as reference 

I would like this information for each question for each of the last five years with a year end date 31 March - I.E. April 1 2019 - March 31 2020. If this is not possible, please could the data be broken down by calendar year - I.E. January 1 2019 - December 31 2019. Please specify which year-end is used in your response.

If you cannot provide data for each of the last five years, then please given me the data for each of the last three years. If this is also not possible, then please give me the data for each of the last two years.

FCA response:

Please refer to supporting document for response

Supporting document
