Our Business Plan 2016/17

Our Business Plan explains the work we will undertake in 2016/17 to protect consumers, enhance market integrity and promote competition.

New pension freedoms and responsibilities, firms’ accountability, changing demographics, new legislation and the risks and benefits of technology are just some of the issues facing consumers, firms and markets in financial services. Our Business Plan shows how we will use our resources to meet the evolving challenges, and identifies seven priorities for us in the year ahead.

This year’s Business Plan explains how we are developing our sustainable approach to regulation and managing priority risks. It also incorporates our Risk Outlook, which highlights the context within which we operate and the risks we see in the market.

Read our Business Plan 2016/17 online

Download the printable version [PDF] (2.51MB)

What is in our Business Plan?


1. Our role

Our objectives and approach to regulation

2. Risk outlook

An assessment of risk forms the cornerstone of our planning process

3. Our priorities

How we decide our business planning priorities

4. Additional key workstreams

How we decide our business planning priorities

5. Ongoing activities

In addition to our key priorities for 2015/16, we will continue to perform our core functions, embed our new strategy, and carry out ongoing activities.

6. How we operate

Our budget 2016/17


Annex A – Update on ongoing market-based activity

Annex B – Current EU initiatives

Annex C – FCA organisational chart