About Financial Lives: a message for respondents

Financial Lives is our comprehensive survey of consumers in the UK. It collects information about the financial products people hold and their experience of dealing with financial products and firms.

This information should be helpful for UK consumers who have received a letter from our research partners, Kantar Public, inviting them to take part in the Financial Lives Survey.

If you are have received a letter and are experiencing difficulties accessing the survey online, please contact Kantar Public on the details below.

We would like to thank everyone who takes part. It is important that the survey includes a wide range of people, however many or few products you have, however good or poor your experiences are.

How we will use the survey results

We will use the results from the survey to increase our knowledge and understanding of the issues affecting consumers. In particular, the results are intended to:

  • help target our work to protect consumers where it is most needed
  • gain a better understanding of whether, in the view of consumers, firms treat their customers fairly

The survey is confidential. Findings will be representative of all adults in the UK aged 18 or over, and reported on an aggregate and anonymised basis: no individuals will be identified. 

Further information

If you have received a letter and wish to complete the survey, please visit: www.FinancialLives.co.uk

To complete the survey you will need your unique reference number and password. This information can be found on the letter.

This survey is being carried out on our behalf by Kantar Public, an independent social research organisation. Members of the public who have received a letter inviting them to take part can contact Kantar Public via the email address below or by calling the information line between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

Email: [email protected]

Information Line: 0800 015 2476

Alternatively, you can contact us.