Following our MMR workshops late last year, we have developed a webcast of the material we presented at these events. We have also collated the most frequently asked questions from the workshops - we encourage you to review these.
This webcast will interest you if you are:
- a firm that advises or arranges regulated mortgage contracts
- a home finance administrator
- a body that represents these firms
What does it cover?
This webcast covers:
- our main communications about the MMR for mortgage intermediaries to date and the communications to follow
- an overview of where intermediary firms should be in their preparations at this stage
- a summary of the responsible lending requirements under MMR as they affect lenders
- how initial disclosure should take place with examples
- key points about execution-only
- what we expect when providing an advised sales process, including the nine factors to consider when assessing appropriateness and an advised sales scenario to apply them to
- a summary of systems and controls we expect firms to have in place
Why you should listen to this webcast:
- you can refresh your understanding of the reforms as they affect mortgage intermediaries
- it’s an opportunity to hear directly from us so that there is consistent understanding across the industry - this is especially crucial if you were unable to attend the workshops
- it can be used as a training tool for the rest of your staff
About this webcast:
- the webcast lasts 35 minutes and comprises 24 slides with an audio track
- there are questions and scenarios for you to consider – these are clearly indicated on the slides with the wording, ‘STOP AND THINK!’ – so you can stop the track to consider and discuss the key points within your firm before listening to what we expect from firms in the relevant area
- this webcast does not cover all of the MMR requirements, the Policy Statement and the Handbook outline the full package of reforms
- implementation depends on the nature of the firm itself, which is why we always recommend that firms seek their own legal and compliance advice with regards to our rules
To listen to this webcast:
- to access the presentation you will need to register, giving the name of your firm, your name and email address
- you can download the slides for later use
- once you have listened to the webcast, please help us with our future communications by completing the brief survey with your comments and suggestions