Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) was often mis-sold to customers. Find out more about the deadline for PPI complaints, and how to protect yourself from scams.
PPI was often sold with credit cards, high street store cards, mortgages, home improvement loans, business loans and student loans. It was designed to cover your repayments for a time if you couldn’t pay yourself. For example, if you were made redundant, or if you couldn’t work due to an accident, illness, disability or death.
PPI policies began being sold in the 1970s. But, the largest number of policies were sold between 1990 and 2010.
While PPI was helpful for some people, we identified widespread poor sales practices. It was sold too widely among consumers, many of whom didn’t really need it. It was also often poor value, with the PPI-seller taking unfair amounts of commission for the sale.
PPI complaints deadline
We introduced rules to help people get fair treatment if they complained that they’d been mis-sold PPI, or charged high commission unfairly.
We set a deadline of 29 August 2019 for making PPI complaints to the firm that sold you the PPI.
From 2017 to 2019, we ran an awareness campaign to make sure customers were aware of this deadline.
By April 2021, most of the complaints made in the run-up to the 2019 deadline had been handled. At that point, the total amount paid in refunds to customers was over £38.3 billion.
Since then, nearly all the remaining pre-deadline complaints have been handled, with some paid redress.
Circumstances when you can still complain
The deadline doesn’t apply if you’re complaining now in one of these circumstances:
- You bought the PPI after 29 August 2017.
- You bought the PPI before 29 August 2017 and the PPI cover was still in force on 29 August 2017 and your complaint is following a full or partial rejection by the firm of an insurance claim on the PPI due to ineligibility, exclusion or limitation. This exemption from the deadline applies only if the complaint is about those grounds of rejection of the insurance claim.
It’s free and simple to make a PPI complaint yourself. But you can also get support from MoneyHelperLink is external if you’re concerned about where to start.
Find out more about how to complain.
There are companies that can make a complaint for you, but they’ll charge you a fee. They’re usually known as claim handlers, claims firms or claims management companies (CMCs). If you choose to use a CMC, find out what to expect.
Challenging PPI in the courts
The August 2019 deadline doesn’t apply to the courts, so it’s still possible to take claims about PPI to the courts.
You may be approached by CMCs or law firms offering to do this for you.
Before agreeing to anything, check our Financial Services Register to make sure the CMC is authorised. You should also check law firms with the Solicitors Regulation AuthorityLink is external.
Make sure you read all the documents carefully. You should be confident you understand how much you have to pay and when.
Some firms may only expect a fee if you win the court case and get redress, (and they will then take part of the redress). But others may ask you to pay a fee upfront. In this case, think carefully before agreeing, as you could end up out of pocket, especially if you don’t win the case.
PPI scams
Treat anyone claiming to be able to get you a PPI refund with caution.
If you’ve been approached about a refund, contact us on 0800 111 6768 or use our contact form to report a scam.
Read more about protecting yourself from PPI scams.
Buying PPI now
You can still buy PPI, or other types of income or short-term protection insurance.
Visit MoneyHelper for information on the different types of protection insurance availableLink is external.