Consultation opens
Consultation closes
We’re consulting on a new product information regime to help consumers understand the investment products they are buying, while giving firms flexibility to innovate.
Consumers often find current product information documents confusing or overwhelming.
We want to make significant changes to the rules for the way product information is presented. Our proposals aim to move from an overly prescriptive disclosure regime to a more flexible, simpler approach.
The new regime looks to prioritise good consumer outcomes through empowering consumers to make effective, timely and properly informed decisions, and enables firms to tailor their communications to meet consumers’ needs.
Through the Consumer Composite Investments (CCI) regime, we want consumers to:
The regime will apply to any firm that manufactures or distributes a CCI to retail investors in the UK.
Under our proposed rules, a CCI is an investment where the returns are dependent on the performance of, or changes in, the value of indirect investments. This includes funds, structured products, insurance-based investment products, contracts for difference and other complex investments like derivatives.
This consultation will be of interest to:
Please respond to the consultation paper using our online response form or by emailing [email protected] by 20 March 2025.
We will publish a further consultation with draft rules for consequential amendments and transitional provisions in early 2025.
We plan to issue a policy statement with final rules in 2025.
We published DP22/6: Future Disclosure Framework in 2022 as a complementary paper to the Treasury’s consultation on replacing PRIIPs Regulation and the UCITS disclosure requirements.
The Treasury then published the CCI regulations in 2024 to replace the requirements with a domestic regime for CCIs delivered by the FCA.