CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25

Consultation opens
Consultation closed

We are consulting on our regulatory fees and the levies we collect for the Financial Ombudsman Service and government. We also respond to feedback to CP23/22.

Read CP24/6 (PDF)

29 May 2024 addendum: Following feedback, we've expanded Table 3.3 in our CP to include other fee-blocks which weren't previously shown. See the addendum for further details.  

Addendum to CP24/6 (PDF)

Why we are consulting 

Our work is funded by the fees and levies we collect. We are consulting on the rules that enable us to raise these fees and levies in 2024/25 to fund the:

  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Financial Ombudsman Service 

We are also consulting on rules that enable us to collect certain levies on behalf of government departments. 

Who should respond 

This consultation applies to:

  • all FCA fee-payers
  • any businesses considering applying for FCA authorisation or registration

Next steps 

This consultation has now closed.

We will consider your comments and publish our feedback, and our rules, in a policy statement in July 2024.