Data Bulletin: February 2017 - Consumer contact centre

Our Data Bulletins seek to provide new insight into the different data that we collect and use – from data about the markets we regulate, consumer behaviour and our own operations.

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Why are we publishing this?

The Data Bulletin is our main channel for the publication and analysis of data stories, released around once a quarter.

This edition focuses on insights from our consumer contact centre, as well as the latest trends in the retirement income market.

Handling more than 100,000 contacts a year, the contact centre is the main point of contact for consumers of financial services firms who want to interact with us. The data shows that consumers contact us about all types of financial products, with the top three queries on:

  • firm registrations
  • customer service issues
  • scams or potential scams

Additionally, the contact centre helps direct consumers to other organisations who can resolve their query. In particular, 1 in 3 contacts are directed to other bodies such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or MoneyHelper.

More than 1 in 10 consumers who approach us, do so to report a financial scam and to ask what their next steps are. Because of this, and the contact centre’s escalation of such queries, more than 150 consumer alerts about unauthorised firms were published on our website.

This edition also includes the latest trends in the retirement income market. The data covers April 2016 to September 2016, showing how consumers accessed their pension pots and in what circumstances a financial adviser was used.

You can subscribe to our Data Bulletin alerts using our subscription form. Previous editions can be accessed from the right hand side of this page.

If you have suggestions for data you would like to see included, please email us at [email protected].

: Information changed Money Advice Service to MoneyHelper