This Occasional Paper looks at the effect of brand loyalty when borrowers are choosing new mortgages.
Our Strategic Review of Retail Banking Business Models found that over 30% of UK customers with a personal current account (PCA) had their mortgage with the lender that provides their PCA.
This Occasional Paper (OP) investigates in more detail how lenders’ brands and existing relationships with consumers affect choices in the mortgage market, using uniquely granular data on the behaviour of UK first-time buyers and home movers who do not use a mortgage intermediary.
It identifies 2 drivers of brand loyalty within this subset of borrowers:
- Consumers (especially those with lower incomes, worse credit histories and lower educational attainment) are much less likely to consider mortgages from ‘unfamiliar’ lenders than from their PCA providers.
- When choosing among the alternatives that they do consider, consumers tend to show a strong preference for mortgages from their PCA providers over mortgages from other lenders under consideration.
These effects are very strong. Even in a hypothetical scenario where all borrowers in the sample considered all the alternatives available to them before choosing a mortgage, nearly half would still go to the lender with whom they have a PCA.
This OP focuses on new lending rather than remortgaging and excludes intermediated transactions. But it echoes findings from FCA’s consumer research about the importance of the existing relationship with the lender to inactive consumers.
Zanna Iscenko
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