Research Note: AI in UK financial services

This joint Bank of England and FCA report presents findings and analysis of the 2024 artificial intelligence (AI) in UK financial services survey.

Read AI in UK financial services 

The report includes:

  • a quantitative overview of the use and projected use of AI, including foundation models and large language models (LLMs)
  • approaches to AI governance, accountability and monitoring effectiveness 
  • the share of AI use cases developed in house or by third party providers, as well as provider concentration
  • levels of automation in AI use cases
  • respondents’ views on the benefits of AI
  • respondents’ views on the risks of AI
  • perspectives on constraints to the development and deployment of AI

AI use in financial services

9 key facts and statistics on AI use in financial services


This survey builds on a range of joint work, including the:

In publishing the findings of the AI survey, we:

  • demonstrate our commitment to monitoring the state of AI deployment
  • improve our collective understanding
  • support the safe and responsible adoption of AI technology in UK financial services
: Editorial amendment Edit to 'foundational models'