Once you have requested to re-use or re-produce documents for commercial purposes, we will advise you of any charges that are applicable.
Charges payable
Information about the categories of documents available for re-use, under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/1415) is explained in the our public task statement. In addition, further details about the terms on which documents are available for re-use can be found in our copyright notice.
Under the 2015 Regulations, we must publish details of the charges applicable for the re-use of documents. Based on the 2015 Regulations and making use of the discretions within it, we have decided to adopt the following charges policy.
FCA Handbook
If you wish to reproduce the Handbook you will need to apply for a licence agreement and may have to pay a fee. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Financial Services Register and Mutuals Register
If you wish to re-use extracts from the Financial Services Register, including the Regulated Covered Bonds, the Mutuals Register or the Consumer Credit Interim Permissions Register, you will need to apply for a licence and a fee may apply. Please contact [email protected] for more information about the Financial Services Register.
Information about the Mutuals Register and the fees applicable can be obtained from [email protected].
Re-use of other information
For all other documents available for re-use under the 2015 Regulations, we will make no charge for requests that we estimate will cost less than £450 to process.
The cost of £450 will be calculated at £25 per person per hour for the time taken for the reproduction, provision and dissemination of the document required. If a request for re-use is considered to exceed £450, we will provide further details of how much we estimate it will cost to provide the document and how we have calculated the charges due.
In addition, if you want to re-use or re-produce documents for commercial purposes our response to your request will advise you of any licensing terms and conditions applying to the re-use of the documents.
Please note that if an applicant has already been charged in respect of the same costs for access to the same document under information rights legislation, then they will not be re-charged under the 2015 Regulations.