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Showing 2581 to 2590 of 2677 search results for vulnerable customers.

  1. High-cost short-term credit agreements and coronavirus: updated temporary guidance for firms

    Policy and guidance Guidance consultations Published: 03/07/2020 Last modified: 18/01/2021
    This draft guidance applies in the exceptional circumstances arising out of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and its impact on the financial situation of high-cost short-term credit customers.
  2. Occasional Paper No. 36: Sending out an SMS: The impact of automatically enrolling consumers into overdraft alerts

    Occasional papers Published: 31/05/2018 Last modified: 31/05/2018
    As part of the high-cost credit review, the FCA wanted to understand the impact of auto enrolling customers into overdraft and unpaid item (retry) alerts on customer overdrafting behaviour.
  3. FCA challenges industry to improve access to insurance for people with pre-existing medical conditions

    Press Releases Published: 25/06/2018 Last modified: 25/06/2018
    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today published feedback on its Call for Input (CfI) on Access to Insurance.
  4. FCA review of medium-sized firms’ PPI complaints handling finds significant room for improvement

    Press Releases Published: 25/09/2013 Last modified: 29/11/2016
    The FCA found serious problems with complaint handling decisions and communications to customers at two thirds of the firms reviewed (12 of 18). ... to the customer, their personal circumstances, and the manner in which sales were being made at the time.
  5. FCA writes joint letter on Brexit with the Bank to CEOs of insurance firms and updates its website for all firms

    Statements Published: 21/10/2020 Last modified: 21/10/2020
    Our joint letter with the Bank of England to CEOs of insurance firms on the importance of being prepared for the end of the transition period.
  6. CP17/13: Fourth money laundering directive and fund transfer regulation implementation (DEPP and EG)

    Consultation papers Published: 12/06/2017 Last modified: 12/06/2017
    We are consulting on our proposals to ensure that our guidance, policies and procedures relating to the use of our powers under the new money laundering regulations are up to date, effective and proportionate.
  7. FG24/2: Guidance for firms supporting existing mortgage borrowers impacted by rising living costs

    Finalised guidance Published: 10/04/2024 Last modified: 10/04/2024
    The FCA sets out the ways mortgage lenders can help customers worried about, or already struggling with, their mortgage payments because of rising living costs.
  8. FCA takes over regulation of consumer credit firms - research shows 9m people are in serious debt and 1.8m in denial

    Press Releases Published: 01/04/2014 Last modified: 01/04/2014
    Financial Conduct Authority Chief Executive, Martin Wheatley, said:. “We have a big task ahead; it’s our job to make sure firms put their customers at the heart of their business ... a requirement to provide information to customers on how to get
  9. The FCA’s new competition powers: what do they mean for the financial services industry?

    Speeches Published: 21/11/2014 Last modified: 09/11/2016
    Speech by Deb Jones, director of competition at the FCA, at a Scottish Financial Enterprise lunch, hosted by Maclay Murray & Spens LLP, Edinburgh. This is the text of the speech as drafted, which may differ from the delivered version.
  10. New rules on packaged bank accounts have improved standards, but firms have more work to do on sales and complaints handling

    Press Releases Published: 20/10/2016 Last modified: 20/10/2016
    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today published findings from its thematic review of packaged bank accounts.