Approved persons

Some individuals must be approved by us to carry out certain activities for an authorised firm, known as controlled functions.

Senior management functions (SMFs)

As part of our Senior Managers and Certification Regime, senior individuals performing certain roles in firms need approval from us or the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). 

Find out how to apply below.

Find out what we expect

Appointed representatives

Principal firms must follow a different approval process to make sure their appointed representatives are fit and proper to carry out controlled functions.

Find out more

Apply: senior management functions (SMFs)

Avoid delays by following our advice to submit a detailed application.

Overseas candidates

We welcome applications for candidates based overseas or working in other industry sectors, as well as in the UK financial services sector.

Find out more

Change or cancel an approval for a controlled function

Use our forms to change, withdraw or cancel approval for a controlled function.

Find a form

Payment services and e-money firms

If your firm is only registered for payment services or issuing electronic money (e-money) you will not fall under the SM&CR regime.
Apply to become an e-money institution